How to Set Up WordPress Menus
0:00 Good evening, Schwenn. This is a brief tutorial video about how to organize, uh, WordPress menu structures and how to add new menu links.
0:11 Um, so I have here our client,, which is a standard WordPress installation that should be quite a bit like yours.
0:20 And you’ll see how that the menu struc- you’ll see here that the menu structure is very simple. Get help now.
0:25 Who we are, what we do, and how to help. What if I want to add a submenu item? Well, I’m just going to.
0:30 Call this, I’m going to go to Custom Links, and I’m going to go and, um, call this Custom Link 1.
0:37 And I’m going to just put whatever URL, um, I want to add there. So in this case, it would be the URL that was provided, um, on the, uh, the update request.
0:47 Now, if I hit Save Menu here, and refresh, I have a new menu item here. And just refresh the front end of the page.
0:55 And that’s going to be the top level, Custom Link 1. Now, what if I want to make it a submenu item?
1:00 If I want to make it a submenu item, like, say, to get help now, I can move it up here, and then I’m going to move it to the right, until it snaps.
1:08 And when it snaps, I have a submenu item. So I’m going to hit Save Menu again, and refresh the page, and now I’m going to have a convenient submenu item.
1:18 Custom Link 1. Now, what if I, what if I want to add a sub, submenu item? I’m going to go to Custom Links again, I’m going to enter the url of my choice and then hit sub menu link 1, I’m going to add that to menu, I’m going to drag it under the custom link here, and then I’m going to move it one space
1:39 to the right until it clicks. And when I save my menu, and refresh the page, I have a sub, submenu item.
1:48 Like so. So it’s really quite straightforward, and if you go to WordPress, uhm, the main menu, so let’s say you’re at your dashboard, and you go to appearance and then hover over menus you’ll be at this page at this interface here.
2:03 So any other concerns, you can escalate that to Blink, uhm, but I think that this should be considered a tier 1 request after this tutorial.
2:10 Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great rest of your evening.